Monday, May 12, 2008

12 of 12 - May 2008

Yes people, there is something more boring than a 12 of 12 spent at work: A 12 of 12 where you get really sick halfway through the work day and have to go home, where you spend the rest of the day with your head over the toilet, taking anti nausea drugs and then finally falling asleep.

Nevertheless, I tried to come up with an offering, minus all the ick.

12:01 a.m. - After the approaching tornado drama of predawn Sunday, I spent most of the day napping off and on. So, by midnight, I was wide awake again, and I figured that since I was awake, I would start my deep Spring cleaning. I started by pulling all the winter clothes out of the closet.....

12:45 a.m. - and storing them in the cedar chest.

1:06 a.m. - Yes, I know the clock says 1:16, but I do the 10 minute fake-out, where I set the clock ahead by 10 minutes so that I won't be late. Of course, I know that it is 10 minutes fast, so I end up ignoring it, hitting snooze again, and then ultimately being 10 minutes late.

7:27 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 11:49 a.m. - This is really three photos in one. You see - I live less than a mile from work, so I have this same exact odometer photo from when I left for work, when I arrived at work, and when I returned home.

7:42 a.m. - This is my snack/lunch/mint drawer in my desk. I replenished my supply of Lifesavers and Granola bars over the weekend, so now I'll have fresh breath for at least another month.

1:14 p.m. - After arriving home and being sick for about an hour, I needed a shower because I felt pretty icky. Seriously, the best thing about my house is the shower. I'm probably singlehandedly responsible for the Georgia Drought, as I will stay in the shower until the hot water runs completely out. And if I get tired, I can just readjust the direction of the sprayers and sit down on the bench and take a nap.

2:03 p.m. - After the shower, I took some medicine and settled into my chair with my pillow and blanket and watched a little TV. There's Jason Castro from American Idol on some daytime talk show. This shot is for my BFF Traci. I swear, the two of us haven't been this ga-ga over a long haired, stoner musician since we were in college.

2:21 p.m. - I'm starting to feel ill again, so I figure I better take a couple of quick shots before I end up incapacitated again. But I don't really feel like getting up, so here is a picture out of one of my windows.
2:22 p.m. - and of my foot. I had my last pedicure on last month's 12 of 12, and the toes still look pretty freshly painted. I think I got my money's worth.

2:24 p.m. - Yep, I'm gonna be sick again. But about that time, my cell phone started that horrid beeping noise that it makes when it is close to losing the charge. So I plugged it in to recharge. Told you - thrilling day going on here.

2:53 p.m. - the meds are getting the best of me, so I'm going to lie down for a while.

9:10 p.m. - I'm awake again, and I feel a little hungry, but after the day that I had, I'm afraid to put anything solid into my stomach. So, cherry Jello or tapioca pudding? Like that is even a choice. Went with the cherry Jello.

Hopefully, next month's 12 will be better. Oh hell, how could it be worse? I'm planning to take the kids on a day trip that week, and the 12th is the day that I'm eyeing.

Oh, and as an addendum, today is Day 18 of the gratefulness experiment. Today I am grateful for finally feeling a little better after a day of feeling horrible.


Lipp said...

Feel better Joni! You have my Mom's cedar chest & a North Hollywood porno shower.

Dogeared said...

Oh no! Sorry you felt so ill, I hope you're feeling better! And that you avoid any tornadoes.

I'm mighty impressed at you cleaning out your closet at that time of the night though!

Helen (Dogeared)

Anonymous said...

I am totally jealous of your snack/lunch/mint drawer.

Christin said...

I love your shower!

I'm sorry you were feeling ill yesterday. Hope today is much better!

Anonymous said...

Well of course I forgot all about it being the 12th. again.

I think Jason Castro looks just like John Travolta. It's eerie. I don't watch American Idol anymore though. (yawn)

Great 12 of 12 though. Glad there were no vomit pictures.

And your shower rocks. When we built this house, I considered the jets, but cheapness took over. Now I wish I would have done it.

Dogeared said...

I'll be in Atlanta around October 28th to maybe November 7th ish. I would love to see everything, and take lots of photos, of course!

Lisa B said...

Joni, hope you are feeling better soon.

Martini Dan said...

Cool photos! Feel well soon!