As an added bonus, we got sent home from work an hour early. Because when it only snows once every four years, and usually no more than an inch or two, our state doesn't really invest in all the road cleaning gear associated with real heavy snow. So traffic can get pretty messy really quick.
You can't really see the snow in this last one, but I thought it was a pretty shot.
I think the last time it snowed in Atlanta I was still living there. I remember it was early January 2001 and we got about 5 inches. Lasted almost 2 days before it was 50 degrees again!
Enjoy the snow. I am hoping we get some here, but it's been pretty dry.
It was a good snow. Hope that Saturday's is better. Although why does it have to be on the weekend?
What he (Tony) said...why can't we get a good snow during the week so us hard working teachers can stay home!!!
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