Not tons of it, but more than we had the other day.
Tonight, the temperatures are supposed to go down into the teens, so what we have will probably freeze over during the night and I will definitely be stuck come tomorrow morning.
I was fine with that, until I realized that I'm out of Diet Coke. Truthfully, I've been trying to cut out drinking so many of them and have done pretty well since the first of the year. But the more that I thought about spending two days without one, I just couldn't take it, so I broke down, drove over to the gas station/convenience store down the road and got one before the roads got bad.
Took this shot of my house on the way back.
Now I'm ready to curl up and settle in for a while. I've got my Diet Coke, my blanket and a couple of left over Vicodin, which should be helpful as the cold is making my knee hurt again. I've also got the first season of Dexter and the second season of Life on Mars on my TiFaux, along with a couple of movies, so I think I'm set.
You are lucky with the snow!! Makes the cold worth it! We are at 6 degrees here, but dry as a bone.
I love Dexter! I don't have Showtime so I have to watch Dexter and Weeds on DVD. (I couldn't bear to give up Sex and the City on HBO On Demand so I kept HBO even though I don't watch anything on it)
Just before I had the Showtime and HBO shut off to save money, they had a Dexter marathon, so I TiFauxed the whole thing, but just haven't got around to watching it yet.
Two words: Pink Dot!
For once we didn't have to go out into the raging blizzard to get anything (unless you count wayward children).
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