It's the 12
th again, so here we go with April's 12 of 12 entry. Check out
Chad Darnell's blog for the index of 12 of 12
ers around the world.
I'm loaded up on allergy
meds (you'll understand why when you see the photos) and also a bit of red wine, so I'll probably have to come back tomorrow and edit out all the typos, incomplete thoughts and incoherent ramblings.

8:20 a.m. - Arrival at work. This is the tree I park under most days This is why I have to take a couple of children's
Benadryl every morning before I leave for work in the springtime. (If I took the adult brand, I'd be asleep under my desk by 9:30 a.m.
ala George in The Nap episode of Seinfeld.)

1:20 p.m. - Lunch. When I was a kid, I was so jealous of my classmates who got to bring their lunches in their cool Bobby Sherman or H.R
Puffenstuff lunch boxes. They always had a can of Snack Pack pudding, meanwhile the rest of us were eating bland lime jello out of those pleated paper cups. I swore that when I grew up, I was gonna have Snack Pack for lunch every single day if I wanted it. At least one of my childhood dreams came true.

5:45 p.m.- Home from work and checking out the yard. I have about 2 dozen azaleas in my yard. So far, this is the only one that has chosen to bloom.

5:46 p.m. - Creeping Phlox. (accompanied by Weeping Eyes - Where's my

5:47 p.m.- Tiptoeing through the tulips......

5:48 p.m. - and finally, the mystery plant. No one can decide exactly what this is. A couple of my neighbors think it is a Hydrangea, some call it a Snowball bush, and my mom says it is a Viburnum (my mom is probably right - she knows her flora.) I call it the Bee Condo because about 40,000 bees live there. Everyone is all concerned that the bees are disappearing. No they aren't. They are all just hanging out in my back yard. Seriously, it is like freaking Spring Break out there - constant cruising back and forth from the bushes to my favorite lounge chair, where they hover too close for comfort, make loud noise, drill holes in the railing on rails on my deck and leave a mess of beer cans (sawdust) in their wake.

6:45 p.m. - After wandering the yard for 5 minutes (it's so expansive), I headed over to see my friend and coworker Sandra. She recently moved a few blocks from my house into a building with a roof top observation deck which is right across from the airport runways. Photo Op!

6:52 p.m. - When I was a kid, my grandmother's house was right about where those white trucks and trailers are in the lower right-hand side of the photo. She had the last house on the street before you got to the runways and we would sometimes climb the fence and play in the mud next to the runways. (Pre-9/11 Security) That was fun until I the time that I stepped on some glass and cut my foot open and had to be rushed to South Fulton ER for my first ever stitches. Nevertheless, I am a total airplane geek and would have probably stayed up there all night had we not gotten hungry.

7:10 p.m. - Afterward, I took Sandra on a drive through
CP and
EP to show her all of the fine culinary options in the area. She ended up picking Oz Pizza so we could dine outside on the patio. Of course, we didn't realize to begin with that it was a fund raising night for a local charter elementary school, so a couple a dozen parents and their little kids were all in attendance. It could have been disastrous, but really, the kids weren't too bad. Other than lots of running and tree climbing, most were pretty well behaved to be so young. And I'm not just saying that because I ran into several folks I know (Hi CA!) who might possibly read this...

7:20 p.m. - including an old friend who I dated in college, who was there with his family. (Look Traci - another one of my old boyfriends who still has all his hair and wasn't wearing old man shorts and black socks. ;-)) This is him with his youngest son. The son played shy at first, then he talked to me sweetly for a while, then he got bored with me and left to go play with another kid. About the time I had forgotten about him, he showed up at my table, gave me a sweet smile and a little eye twinkle. Of course, once he knew that he had regained my attention, he left again and never returned, so now I probably won't see him again for about 20 more years. (Insert something about apple not falling far from tree here.)

8:10 p.m.- Finished with dinner, Sandra and I headed back to her place and up to the observation deck again so I could get the Fly Delta Jets sign all lit up. Cause what would my 12 of 12 be without some more Delta for you all? (My Dad worked in that hangar under the Fly Delta Jets sign from when it was built in the 60s until he retired in 95 - for the 10 years before that, he worked in the same building that I'm in now.)

9:45 p.m. - And of course you need wine to fully appreciate the experience. My doctors recently discovered that my body will not absorb enough iron, B-12, Vitamin D and a couple of other vitamins and nutrients through normal channels (food or oral supplements), so I have to have a lot of shots and IVs to help combat the low levels and the problems they create. But alcohol absorption? Not a problem. Goes straight to where ever it is supposed to go, soaks in and stays for a while. I'm trying to come up with a good iron and B-12 cocktail, but not sure which alcohol mixes with that. Maybe vodka??
Well, I guess that's 12. Hope you enjoyed (and Traci, hope you'll forgive me for the jab. At least the one you ended up with the one who still has all his hair :-))
I loved the little history of your connection with Delta, I love your friend's roof garden overlooking the airport, the Phlox photo, and the comment about the bee condo. So we can send Doctor Who to you then? He was worried about the bees disappearing...
Color, color everywhere!!!
Helen - If you send Doctor Who, can it be David Tennant(who incidentally looks a lot like the ex-bf I ran into in the photos use to look back in the day) instead of the New Who?? I haven't seen the new episodes yet, they don't start on BBC America until this weekend and I'm not tech geek enough to know how to get it early like some of my other Yank friends. But I have issue with lusting after a Doctor who looks like he could be my son. Hopefully, I'll get over that by Saturday, and if not, at least I have Captain Jack guesting on Desperate Housewives on Sunday to satisfy my lust. :-)
This made me smile, Joni! And how did we miss you last night at Oz?? Oh yeah, I was the one with the kids who have to be in bed by 7:00... That's for my sake, not theirs.
So funny the pudding!! School lunches have gotten alot better, but its still sweet to pack! At least Annie May says so!! Snowball Bush and Hydranga(sp check) are the same bush, coming in many colors, for the obvious pleasure of the bees!! Blue is my favorite! The tulips are exactly like the ones my mom gave me her last Easter...alot of these made me cry too!!
Yum, yum, snack pack!
The flowers in your yard are gorgeous! (Well worth the allergies...although that's easy to say as someone who doesn't suffer from allergies!) We had the snowball bush in my backyard a a child. I was always terrified to walk past it because it, too, had been taken over by billions of bees.
Really nice 12 of 12 shots. I loved all of the flower photos especially the hydrangea/snowball/Viburnum. I also liked the last one with the wine glass. Anyway, thanks for sharing and I look forward to next months photos.
Love your blogs cuz! I miss Delta a lot.
Just read this... almost two month late in doing so. First, thanks for the shout-out. Second, I have enjoyed reading your blog today. I am sorry to hear about your dad. I was at my dad's home this past Sunday and thought about your dad while looking into my dad's backyard. Both posts about him were just beautiful. And the post about JD and The Little Prince made me cry. You have a beautiful writing style.
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