Thursday, August 12, 2010

12 of 12 - August 2010

Happy 12 of 12. Check at Chad Darnell's blog for the master 12 of 12 list with links to all the other 12 of 12ers. And remember Chad's name, cause he's gonna be an Academy Award winning screenwriter one day soon. :-)

My 12th was spent once again at the doctor's. I've got to stop letting them schedule me on the 12th, cause I have way too many photos of the hospital, x-ray machines, blood, needles, etc. in 12 of 12s past. I don't want to see them anymore, and I'm sure no one else does either. But unfortunately, this month, that's most of what I got.

So let's begin.

6:55 a.m. - View from my bed. Looks like the sun is creeping up on me again. I rarely sleep anymore, but I try. Of course, most of my good sleep comes about 15 minutes before the alarm goes off. Trying to get in a little early today since I'm only working a half day and have tons of stuff that has to be finished before I go.

7:15 a.m. - Getting prepped for the doctor. They can never get a good vein when they take my blood, and I'm already squeamish about it to begin with. I've even passed out a time or two (or 7) when they've stuck me, so I've learned all kinds of tricks to try and make it go easier for me. Trick #1 is to start drinking lots of water 24 hours ahead of the appointment. (This has the added benefit of also helping if you have to give another type of sample as well.) So, here are a couple of bottles to get me started (plus 2 more I left in the fridge at work.)

7:17 a.m.- Trick #2 is to take something to focus on that makes me happy so that I won't focus on them sticking me. I've used a lot of things over the years, but this is one that has helped me the last few times. It is a photo from a friend that has special meaning to me. I had it made into a wallet size so that I can whip it out whenever they start tying the little rubber thing around my arm.

7:17 a.m. - Trick #3 - Previous lab results. I get copies every time I have blood work done, because if it has only been a few weeks, some of my doctors will take this in lieu of doing it over again. This works once in a while. It didn't work today.

12:48 p.m. - Piedmont Fayette Hospital, oh how I hate you. It's a nice hospital and all, I just hate being there since that's where Daddy was through most of his final illness. But all of my doctors are in this building, so what can I do?

12:55 p.m. - Kind of a weird reflection thing going on between the two sets of windows on either side of the glass doors going into the doctor's office.

1:12 p.m. - Trick #4 - Have them use a butterfly on you instead of what the smart-ass technician referred to as a "grown-up" needle. The butterflies are a little easier for them to fish with when my vein inevitably runs and hides. Looks like they found one on the first try.......

1:30 p.m. - Yep - just looked like it. That one blew out before the first tube filled up. Ended up with two sticks in my arm...

1:37 p.m. - before they ended up going to my hand, which still hurts hours later. Seems that none of my tricks worked today. And it just got worse after that. I'll just say that blood was not all they wanted from me today, and the next set of photos would have involved longer needles, my hip and me weeping uncontrollably. Needless to say, the camera got put away and I need to have my photo from Trick #2 reprinted cause it got crumpled pretty badly.

4:00 p.m. - Finally getting ready to flee from the torture. View of the hospital parking lot from the 4th floor. Can you spot my car/truck? You know, from this distance, you can't even tell that it needs to be washed.

4:10 p.m. - Passed the lake on the way home and stopped for a few minutes to get out and kind of meditate on it all. Of course, the heat, combined with my light-headedness, was not a good combination so it didn't last long. So I went home and took a nap.

9:00 p.m. - Woke up and went upstairs to try and finish cleaning out the guestroom closet. This baby was completely full 2 weeks ago. But I've lost 50 pounds in the last few months (which made me happy, but not my doctor for some strange reason) and so I went in and tried on just about everything up there in the last few weeks. Ended up donating about 100 items. Now all that remains are all my winter coats, my concert t-shirts from the 80s and 90s, a few other keep sake clothing items and my Dad's flight jacket. Now I can actually have a guest stay with me and have room to hang their clothes. And for the record, that little black spot on the wall of the closet? It isn't really there. I went back up there and the wall is completely white. I cleaned my lens and took the photo again, and it was still in the photo. Too strange.

So, guess that's it. See you next month, if not sooner.


Sunny Archibald said...

Oh, I'm sorry you had such a sucky day. You're a trooper, though, aren't you? I love the your focus picture and the picture you took at the lake. So serene. I wish it had been cooler so you could have stayed and refreshed your soul a while. Here's hoping for a happier 12 for you next month.

Unknown said...

Joni, I pray for your health to be restored to you.

Lipp said...

1st pic really cool.

Hope you're feeling better & that all the sticks & blood gave them all the info they need to make that happen.

Bruno Laliberté said...

while i hope you'll get better soon, you show still a sense of humor despite it all. it's good (for you). losing 50 lbs is a concern, but if you're happy about it, why not. love the fedora in the closet. used to have one just like that back in the '80s, 'till i forgot it one day in the subway.... it was never found!!

hoping to find you next month in better shape, and that you'll find time to go back to the lake. beautiful location.

thanx 4 sharing!!

Lucrecia Bloggia said...

Hello Joni! I'm sorry you had to go through all this hospital episode. I understand what you feel about those blood taking sessions. I also have to go through this many times per year. Well... if this is what it takes to feel better, there is not much of a choice to collect all the tricks you can!

I hope you'll feel better very soon!
See you next month!

And thank you for your nice comment on my blog! ;¬)

JCB said...

I'm so bad about gtting blood taken that even your photos made me light headed and queasy. I'm off to the doc in 15 minutes.... ARG!

Dogeared said...

Ouch on the appointments. I think it would be funny to tell them "I'm sorry, I can't do the 12th, it clashes with a photo project I do", and see what they say...

I also feel you on the blood samples. I'm OK with needles, but the last time I gave blood was bad. It was my first time, and I thought I would feel queasy while doing it (as I used to always be bad seeing blood). I was fine throughout, until I was sitting at the table after with my juice and biscuit. Then I started feeling very light headed. Ended up on a bed going very pale and clammy, and throwing up. So big (gentle) hugs from me.


Sorry I'm late commenting - my own 12 only went up on the 16th lol, as I was visiting friends. But better late than never for posting and commenting ;-)

Scooter said...

Dear Joni,
So sorry to hear about what you're going through. You'll be in our prayers and wishing you a quick recovery. Thanks for sharing your day with us and for having such amazing strength. Be well.