Saturday, September 12, 2009

12 of 12 - September 2009

Already the 12th again? Where does time go? It is already time for Chad Darnell's 12 of 12.

So, this month's 12 of 12 is an "All Flu, All Inside" all day version. AKA The Chronicles of NyQuil.

2:49 a.m. - Obviously. Came home from work early on Friday afternoon, drank half a bottle of NyQuil and slept until, well, 2:49 a.m.

2:55 a.m. - so I might as well hit the Tivo and watch Joel McHale on The Soup.

3:07 a.m. - IT'S REALITY SHOW CLIP TIME!!!!!

4:16 a.m. - I need to get well and go grocery shopping, cause my choices are severely limited right now. But for the moment, I'm going back to sleep.

12:15 p.m. - OK - I'm awake again. And it is daylight.

12:22 p.m. - Aaahhh - NyQuil. We meet again.

2:11 p.m. - Looking through some of my Mom's old photo albums, contemplating scanning some photos for her, but not really wanting to get out of my chair.

3:03 p.m. - If I can't go outside, at least maybe I can enjoy some outdoors from my window. But alas, my rustling of the curtains has apparently disrupted my neighbor's cat Gracie's nap.

3:04 p.m. - So she comes to see what the heck I'm looking at. You Gracie, I'm looking at YOU.

6:17 p.m. - Trying to read a little, but I keep dozing off on the couch.

7:00 p.m. - and I wake up to find that it is almost dark out. So I go nap in my bed for a while.

10:20 p.m. - and now I'm up one more time. Trying to multi-task by scanning old photos, uploading 12 of 12, posting some class reunion shots on FB and trying to think of something witty to accompany my photos. Unfortunately, I have a NyQuil hangover, so I'm not even sure that I'm really doing this or if it is all a really boring dream. Either way, hope you found something of value in my day.

XXX OOO to all.


Pete Cullen said...

Sorry to hear you're sick this month Joni, that Nyquil sounds like powerful stuff! But at least Gracie was there to keep you company :) Well, when food is required at least.

4get2remember said...

Awwww...hey sweet girl! I missed you at the party yesterday! I'm sorry you're flu-ey. Get well soon!

p.s. I love The Soup!!

Sunny Archibald said...

Bless your heart. It so sucks to be sick. I'm proud of you for eve bothering with 12 of 12 this month, and I enjoyed your shots.

Chris said...

Ohhh, I'm so sorry. It's bad enough being sick, it's worse being sick and channel flipping at 3 am :(

Hope you feel better soon!!

(And I'm with Sunny: nice dedication. I probably would have said "the heck with this" and gone back to sleep ... or taken photos of everything in the kitchen cupboards. Depending on how bored I was ... )

Bonnie said...

Feel better, cousin! {{hugs}}

Bonnie said...

Oh! And I forgot to say: I love your fridge. LOL :)

Scooter said...

So sorry you were sick. That bites. Luckily you had your Nyquil and adorable kitty to take of you. A purring friend is wonderful medicine, no?

Get well quickly. :)

Lipp said...

I dig the window pics & hope you're feeling better.

Dogeared said...

I hope you're better now! Although the Ny-Quil Chronicles is a cool name... And what, you mean vodka and yoghurt aren't enough to live on? ;-)

Big hugs and hope you're back to normal soon!

Sorry I’m late in replying! I only got my own 12 of 12 up at 1:30am yesterday!

Helen (Dogeared)