Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 of 12 - November 2009

Oops - sort of forgot last months 12 of 12. Been so busy at work, I sort of woke up one day and wondered why I had extra cash in my checking account and then realized payday (the 15th) had already passed, and of course along with it, the 12th. Such is the life of someone who does forecasting analysis for a living. I'm always working a couple of weeks or months ahead.

Anyway, here we go for November.

8:45 a.m. - Time to make the donuts.

8:46 a.m. - For some reason, I must always write my name with my finger when I find a fogged up window or shower door. Yes, I'm still 12.

8:47 a.m. - Not sure if you can see this, but squirrels have apparently gnawed through the cedar shingles on the front of my house above the porch to the left of that tree. Got a guy coming to fix it while I'm at work. In the Small World game of life, my brother was his coach in high school 20 years ago. I think I got a good deal on the price because of that. Thank God all my brother's former students love him so.

8:47 a.m. - and here we go on the long commute to work.

8:48 a.m. - Love when the leaves are red.

8:49 a.m. - Dangit - caught the red light. Now my commute time has doubled.

9:50 a.m. - Diet Coke - the Breakfast of Champions. And that's only cause they don't sell little chocolate donuts and cigarettes at the Woolman Cafe here at work.

9:56 a.m. - More red leaves as I head back to our building.

12:15 p.m. - all the other 12 of 12er's who I follow always have these wonderful, healthy looking meals. Here is my lunch. No wonder I always feel like I'm dying.

6:07 p.m. - Everything you ever wanted to know about the Delta Widget/Logo but were afraid to ask.

6:10 p.m. - Finally headed out for the day.

6:11 p.m. - and caught the red light again. Won't make it home until 6:12 now. :-(

So, that is it. I've been sick for several weeks, and was wiped out by the time I got home, so I immediately crashed and slept for 6 hours and just woke up. Of course, now I'm awake and can't sleep again. Still, I'm gonna try.

Good night all and see you next month on the 12th.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

12 of 12 - September 2009

Already the 12th again? Where does time go? It is already time for Chad Darnell's 12 of 12.

So, this month's 12 of 12 is an "All Flu, All Inside" all day version. AKA The Chronicles of NyQuil.

2:49 a.m. - Obviously. Came home from work early on Friday afternoon, drank half a bottle of NyQuil and slept until, well, 2:49 a.m.

2:55 a.m. - so I might as well hit the Tivo and watch Joel McHale on The Soup.

3:07 a.m. - IT'S REALITY SHOW CLIP TIME!!!!!

4:16 a.m. - I need to get well and go grocery shopping, cause my choices are severely limited right now. But for the moment, I'm going back to sleep.

12:15 p.m. - OK - I'm awake again. And it is daylight.

12:22 p.m. - Aaahhh - NyQuil. We meet again.

2:11 p.m. - Looking through some of my Mom's old photo albums, contemplating scanning some photos for her, but not really wanting to get out of my chair.

3:03 p.m. - If I can't go outside, at least maybe I can enjoy some outdoors from my window. But alas, my rustling of the curtains has apparently disrupted my neighbor's cat Gracie's nap.

3:04 p.m. - So she comes to see what the heck I'm looking at. You Gracie, I'm looking at YOU.

6:17 p.m. - Trying to read a little, but I keep dozing off on the couch.

7:00 p.m. - and I wake up to find that it is almost dark out. So I go nap in my bed for a while.

10:20 p.m. - and now I'm up one more time. Trying to multi-task by scanning old photos, uploading 12 of 12, posting some class reunion shots on FB and trying to think of something witty to accompany my photos. Unfortunately, I have a NyQuil hangover, so I'm not even sure that I'm really doing this or if it is all a really boring dream. Either way, hope you found something of value in my day.

XXX OOO to all.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

12 of 12 - August 2009

Wow - is it the 12th already? Guess so, since I'm actually blogging.

Well, welcome to my August 12 of 12. And not some cheap imitation the 12 of 12 - this is the real, honest to goodness, original recipe 12 of 12, endorsed by the creator of 12 of 12 himself, the incomparable Chad Darnell. Check out his blog for the rules (which are basically, take 12 photos on the 12th of each month depicting your day and post them on your blog, linking back to the master list at Chad's blog.) It's a world wide phenomenon. I promise.

8:45 a.m. - Starting my day by Eating Mor Chikin. And it is Free Chikin - today they had an offer of a free Chicken Biscuit when you bought a drink and hashbrown. Couldn't pass that up - way better than the hard boiled egg in the fridge.

9:03 a.m. - Yeah - it is a brick wall. It is our historic hanger next to where I park. I just liked the texture and colors.
11:25 a.m. - Love my Skylight, especially on overcast days when I don't bake in the sun.

4:05 p.m. - Headed back from a meeting in the 'good' conference room (it is above ground and has windows!) and saw the photos in the hall. Let's see, I've been there, and there and there and not there and there and not there and there and there.

5:40 p.m. - Spirit of Delta, just outside our office door. Love passing it every day - Never gets old. Makes me feel close to my Dad and reminds me of my aunt Charlsie too. It is nice starting and ending my work day feeling close to two people that I love and admire more than you can imagine.
5:50 p.m. - Woohoo - got a new IKEA catalog in the mail. Can't wait to see this season's Flurn and Barnsligs.

6:20 p.m. - Had to run over to downtown Hapeville (all of a block from my house) to finish up on a photo project I was doing for the Downtown Hapeville Facebook page. Our city has an assortment of Butterfly installations around the city and I've been trying to get photos of them all for the page. Local high school students and citizens painted them, sort of like the Cow Parade that they had in several cities a decade back, and they are really nice. Didn't realize before that this one was done by one of my neighbors.

6:22 p.m. - more Butterflies

6:37 p.m. - and the Star Spangled Butterfly and the Star Spangled Banner in front of our city hall.
6:45 p.m. - and two more butterflies honoring two of our city's oldest establishments - Chapman Drugs and the original Chick-fil-A Dwarf House. Love the crepe myrtles behind them.

6:47 p.m. - I've been driving past that old sign my whole life and until today, I don't think would have ever been able to tell you what it said.

6:55 p.m. - Starting on next project which is the benches around downtown that were painted by the elementary school kids. We like to let kids paint in my town. Apparently.

So, there you go. Hope you enjoyed - See you next month.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

12 of 12 - July 2009

Thinking about renaming this The Joni 12 of 12 Blog since that seems to be the only thing I've posted this year. Guess I'm in an introspective place where I'm doing more thinking and dwelling on stuff rather than writing about it. (See Chad Darnell's Blog for details about the 12 of 12)

So, this month's 12 of 12, subtitled Leaving Las Vegas, is all about me trying to get back from a quick weekend vacation to Vegas with my parents. They had a longer trip planned, but I tagged along for two days just to get away and get some rest. All that rest was pretty much undone on the trip home, but such is the life of a standby traveler.

Anyway, since I was losing 3 hours on the travel back east, I decided to start my 12th at 12:00 a.m. eastern time, so it was 9:00 p.m. in Vegas as I got started.

12:05 am (et) - The Bellagio Fountains - Stopped to watch the water show one more time before leaving the hotel to head to the airport for my flight home. Always love it when we get a room on the side where you can watch the show.

12:10 a.m. - Mom taking a peak out at the activity on the Strip.

12:33 a.m. - Waiting on the the train to the terminal and fiddling with my camera, I manage to finally find an angle where it doesn't look like I have 14 chins.

12:36 a.m. - On the train to the D Terminal at LAS. After the flash went off when I snapped this one, all these people turned to give me a dirty look. Trying to figure out a way to unobtrusively photograph random people without giving them the creeps or having them give me dirty looks. I tried after this to turn off the flash as I snapped, but the quality sucks when I do. Any advise from you 12 of 12ers that are more experienced photographers??

1:19 a.m. - from the terminal window - See you later Vegas!

2:50 a.m. .... and by later, I guess I mean in an hour and a half. While getting ready to push back, they found a problem with the a/c, so we were delayed a couple of hours waiting on the fix. They initially said we could stay on board or deplane as we preferred, but after the on board temp went above 90, they had us all deplane. So, back at the gate, waiting on the all clear and looking for some photo ops

2:58 a.m. - as opposed to throwing away any more money.

9:22 a.m. - Yay - back home in ATL. This train is leaving the station, please hang on.

9:26a.m - Welcome to Atlanta

10:23 a.m. - Took a little while to get my bag from baggage claim (had to gate check it at the last minute as I was the last one cleared onto the flight) and then had to wait on the shuttle over to the office, so finally making it home and picking up my mail. Wow - Michael Jackson died. I had not heard that.

11: 02 a.m. - Not really sure what I did, but my knee and ankle are both very sore and very swollen, so I had to drag out 4 different ice packs to try and get some relief. Finally took a pain pill and crashed for the rest of the day...

until a storm woke me up well after dark. Not really sure what time this was as the power had gone out and I was still sort of groggy from the jet lag and pain pill.

So, there you go. Thanks for visiting. See you next month, if not sooner.

Friday, June 12, 2009

12 of 12 - June 2009

Hello and welcome to this month's 12 of 12. To see the rules and play along, go here to Chad Darnell's blog. My childhood BFF Karen played along last month, and I hope she does it again this time around too.

I've had the best week - Started out with a vacation in Vegas with my most wonderful Mom. We stayed at Caesar's Palace for free, saw Bette Midler (it was, in the words of one Barnabas Stinson - "Legend.....wait for it......Ary") and we both even came home with a little extra cash. Georgia Power will be so happy. After returning home, my boss took our whole work team out to the afternoon Braves game yesterday and even sprung for hotdogs and Cracker Jack.

So, after all the fun and games and about a million great photo ops, 12 of 12 would come on the one most intensely boring, need to catch up on 4 missed days of work, OMG I have 272 unread emails in my inbox day of the week. Nonetheless, here we go.....

8:41 a.m. - Arriving at work after the 2 minute commute. Looks like they are setting up something on the lawn - probably some type of celebration in connection with Delta's 80th anniversary which is next week. Hopefully, there will be free stuff.

12:10 p.m. - The first part of the day has flown by and it is already time for lunch. Ran out to pick up something at Which Wich.

12:40 p.m. - Back at work and it turns out the thing on the lawn is a celebration thrown by Coca-Cola in recognition of their long term relationship with Delta (since 1940) and our 80th anniversary. And there is Free Stuff - Woohoo!! Coke Floats for everyone and assorted prizes. Here, my coworker Laura gives me her best "hurry up and take the picture so I can eat my damn float" smile.

12:45 p.m. -Of course, my Dad can smell free food from several miles away, so he was in attendance. But what I'm really loving is all the goings on behind us - they were having a Twist contest and some people were really getting in to it.

12:52 p.m. - and of course, the Electric Slide. Can't have a party without that. What I like about this photo is that I had the camera at my side, walking through the crowd and I accidentally hit the button to take a picture and it ended up better and clearer than some of the photos I took on purpose. I love that the one woman on the right is still actively eating her float as she dances.

12:57 p.m. - and the Coke Polar Bear was even there. God, I would have hated being in that costume on such a hot day.

1:00 p.m. - OK - back to work. Headed back to my building and wanted to point out the LTA in Delta sign here.... the same LTA above the skylight over my desk in our new office space. Having your own personal skylight is wonderful for about 75% of the day. But on a sunny day between about 12:00 and 2:00 - it can be miserable. During that time, I'm finding lots of out of office things to do.

6:57 p.m. - As I was getting ready to leave, I discovered the accidental photo of the ladies doing the Slide and was explaining to Cheryl how I had snapped it as I was walking, and ended up doing it again. Now normally, this would have been an immediate move to the delete file for all kinds of obvious reasons, but I caught sight of Cheryl's face amidst the blur and figured this was the one chance to post a shot of her from the front to which she hopefully wouldn't object.

7:05 p.m. - Close up of the engine blades on the Spirit of Delta 767 in the hangar next to our office, as I finally head for home. All 272 emails opened and at the very least read.

7:10 p.m. - So, I walk across the parking lot to get in to my car and it is sunny skies. I drive to the main gate, and there is a strike of lightning. I drive one block and the sky goes black and by the time I reach the corner at the end of the second block and turn into the driveway, the bottom drops out. I know that the state announced that the long Georgia drought is officially over earlier this week, but this is a little much.

7:18 p.m. - Don't know why the blurry shot seems to be the theme of the day, but again, I liked this one. I'm not sure why it is so blurry - is it the camera, or me developing a nervous twitch. Or maybe lightning cracked again as I snapped it and I flinched, or it could have just been that the rain was just moving so fast that the blur was inevitable. I was trying to get a shot of how the wind was blowing the rain sideways but had to take cover after that the wind shifted and suddenly I was soaking wet as I stood on my completely covered front porch.

So, there you go. Hope you enjoyed. And if you get a chance, head over to Chad's blog and check out the links to other 12 of 12ers worldwide. It is a great chance to see what daily life is like all over the world and to enjoys some really wonderful photography.