Sunday, March 23, 2008

Heeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeesssss Tony!

You remember back in the olden days, when Johnny Carson would need to take a night off to tend to something, like a divorce or something, The Tonight Show would have a guest host? Well, tonight my blog is being hosted by one of my oldest and dearest friends, Tony Mc. He's like a combination of David Letterman and Joan Rivers without all the plastic surgery. Well, other than the JLo shelf booty he had installed a few years back.

So ladies and gentlemen, here's my week according to Tony.....

"Guest blogger speaking for Joni.

She had an okay week. Getting up and going to work sucks. If it weren't for the fact that she enjoys life, she would kill a few co-workers. Not a few maybe just one. But as you all know Joni's too pretty for jail. The last thing she wants is a girlfriend on the inside plus there is no tivo in the big house.

Joni caught up or watched her fav. reality shows on tivo. American Idol, some fashion/modeling/cooking competition show, and a show or 2 that has a celebrity or multiple celebrity trainwrecks. She considers herself to be in much better shape than the celeb trainwrecks but then again who doesn't. Cause no one want to end up like Jeff Conaway... EVER!!!

Joni will be celebrating Easter by sleeping in, then joining the family for dinner at her parents house. It will be pleasant. Thankfully Joni will have her niece and nephew there to amuse her.

Joni hopes that we all are doing well and have a great Easter. And remember to wipe and stay off the pipe cause she's chilling!!"

March 23, 2008 11:41 AM

Thank you Tony - Amazingly, that was fairly accurate, although FYI - the Celeb Rehab program is over , and I have no desire to watch aging musicians spread STDs to strippers or Z-Listers lose weight. But nevertheless, you are a worthy substitute. I promise that when I decide to retire from my blog, I won't give this gig to some pointy-chinned loser instead of you.

Love to all and Happy Zombie Jesus Day. (tm Tony Mc.)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Intentions

I keep meaning to blog. Really, I do.

I have a lot I want to say. But lately, I just don't seem to have the energy to sit here and type out a complete thought.

Hopefully, things will get better for me soon.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh Hail No!

No snow this week.

Just hail.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

12 of 12 March 2008

It's that time of the month again. Chad's 12 of 12. 12 photos from my day on the 12th of each month. Here we go with March.

7:56 a.m. - No - it isn't the return of '24'. It is just me oversleeping again. Looks like I'm still not getting use to the Daylight Savings Time change, as I keep sleeping through the alarm. I needed to leave the house by 8:00 a.m. for a doctor's appointment at 8:45. Looks like I'm gonna be running late. (I'm calling this one a bonus picture, just because you can barely see it.)

7:58 a.m. - No time for hair or make-up, but I'll at least make the time to brush my teeth.

8:07 a.m. - Diet Coke - The Breakfast of Champions. (and oversleepers.)

8:10 a.m. - Heading out of the house and setting the security system. Only 10 minutes behind schedule. (The bright side of DST, now the clock on my security system is back to being correct. I have no idea how to change it, so it is always an hour off during the winter.)

8:22 a.m. - The doctor that I have an appointment with has an office at the Fayette hospital, which is sort of in the boonies. So, I got to see some nice scenery on the way down. You can't really see it very well in the photo, but there is a beautiful fog over the lake to the right.

8:42 a.m. - I make it to the hospital with a whole 3 minutes to spare.

11:27 a.m. - I've spent the last hour having my neck x-rayed. I keep wobbling and she's had to redo several of them. I can't help it, I just keep getting dizzy when I try to stand perfectly still for so long. At least she has been nice about it (as well as understanding when I asked if I could snap a photo for my 12 of 12.)

My morning has been spent having a multitude of x-rays, an EKG, and blood work (no photos of that - didn't want the flash to distract the lady sticking the needle in my arm - especially since it took 3 tries to get a good vein.) I also have to go back in a few days for an MRI, but she didn't want to stress me out more than necessary with too many tests in a single day, especially since I tend to freak the heck out when I have an MRI.

My doctor thinks that the episode I had last week may have been a mini-stroke, hence all the tests. You know, stroke isn't really a word I wanted to hear being used to describe my health until I was at least 80. But at least it has the word 'mini' in front of it, so I guess I'll hold on to that for now.

12:29 p.m. - My Mom went with me to the doctor's appointment, and I took a vacation day since we weren't sure how long the tests would take. So, I ended up having time to go back to her house for lunch when everything was done for the day.

12:33 p.m. - That's my Mom showing off the blooms on her Camilla. Mom doesn't just have a green thumb - her whole arm is green. She can take a half inch of a plant, root it in a cup of water on the window sill, and a month later have something like this.

1:45 p.m. - I figure since most of my 12 of 12s have been indoors or at the office, I'd take advantage of being outdoors and shoot some of Mom's yard. Here is one of the Bradford Pear trees, already in bloom despite the freezing temps we had last week.

1:46 p.m. - and one of the bird bath.

3:17 p.m. - Finally home from Mom and Dad's and checking out my mail. Looks like I finally got the post cards my parents sent to me from Argentina and the Falkland Islands two weeks ago. They went to Antarctica and back and still beat the post cards home.

4:28 p.m. - It has been a long day, so I'm taking advantage of having the day off and taking a little nap. I just kind of liked how the light looks shining through the combination of the blinds and the sheers.

11: 40 p.m. - Finally waking up from what was to be a short nap. So, no more photos for the day. and of course, it is almost midnight and I'm now wide awake. Great.
Guess I'll go check out the TiFaux real quickly and see who was booted from American Idol (yes - I watch that) and Top Model (yes - I watch that too.) My bets are on AI booting either the girl that ruined '8 Days a Week' or the male stripper, and for ANTM, since we've already lost Atalya and Allison, I think one of the remaining "A" girls (Amy, Anya, Aimee, Aimy, @me*, Amis, Alfalfa, etc.) will be the girl who Tyra does not have photo of in her hands and must therefore go back to the loft, pack her bags and leave immediately.
Yep, that should put me right to sleep.