Sunday, February 17, 2008

54 Years and Still Counting

Happy Anniversary to my parents.

They were married 54 years ago today in New York City at Rockefeller Plaza on a television show called "Bride and Groom." This was an NBC daytime show that took ordinary couples from across the country, married them live on the air and showered them with prizes and a honeymoon trip. My parents - the original Reality TV celebrities.

Mom applied on a whim, and was pretty surprised when they were selected. They originally planned to be married in June, so that Mom's sister could be her matron of honor (she was pregnant with her second son, who was due in May) but when the show called, the wedding date was moved up to February and Mom had to find a quick replacement.

While Mom and Dad both worked for Delta at the time, Delta did not have service to New York. So, on a cold winter day in February, my mom, her parents, brother, aunt, 5 year old cousin and a friend, along with my Dad and his mother, all loaded into my grandfather's car for the drive to New York. Yes, you read that correctly - 9 people in one car. Dad said that after that trip, the last 54 years have been a breeze.

Fortunately, while Delta couldn't fly them to New York for the wedding, they were able to provide them with the hook up for their honeymoon trip to Havana, Cuba (in exchange for what would be Delta's first nationwide, network television advertising during the show.)

Now, 54 years later, they are on the road again, this time headed for a 3 week cruise of South America and Antarctica. I dropped them at the airport a few hours ago, and I miss them already.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Here's to another 54 years together.


Halfway to Fifty said...

They got married on TV? That is so awesome!!

Joni said...

We even have the tape of it. I need to get it put on DVD so that I can upload it for you guys to see.

Anonymous said...

What a cool story! I had no idea your parents were reality TV stars! I also can't believe you actually have a tape of it!

Unknown said...

How sweet! They still look fantastic!! :)